Wednesday, May 4

a must-read

my friend susie is working at an orphanage (i think) in Africa, and she recently posted this story, which really got to me, and i wanted to share it with y'all.

Little Hands
I walk casually into the dining room as the kids are finishing up their
supper. I haven’t said a word, but the perky flowers and sunshine of
the ‘special bag’ on my shoulder have spoken volumes. I’m
immediately swarmed and surrounded as all the kids start speaking at


“Oh!! Are we baking Aunty?”
“Aunty Susie isn’t it the girls are baking today?”
“What are we baking? It’s the boys turn right??”
“But the girls baked last time, how aunty….”
“Angege aunty, It’s not fair!”
“Mmmmm I’m hghallaring, what are you baking Aunty?”
“Can I carry your bag?”

After I deliver the news of whose turn it really is, we hear the groans of
those who are so misfortunate as to have to wait till next week, and the
victorious shouts from those who had to wait outside the kitchen last
week. So our little flock moves to take over the kitchen. I take a deep
breath, preparing for the chaos that is sure to follow, grinning in spite of
it all. Meanwhile the while the dialogue continues-

“What are we baking Aunty Susie?”
“Can I mix the eggs?”
“But my chair was here first!”
“Can we have sugar???”
“She licked the spoon Aunty!!”
“Aunty I haven’t had a turn yet…”
“Can I clean (and by that, they mean lick of course) that spoon?”
“Can I have my turn, I’m mixing that right?”
“Do we get to eat them now, don’t say tomorrow after school!”
“Where is the chocolate pieces aunty, can we have some?”
“This is going to be good…”
“Aunty I’m going to sit here and watch them till they are finished baking!”
“Haibo Aunty- the boys are coming in! Not fair!” “Ngiphusa amansi!” so I
step in to mediate, “ok young man, drink your water, then shesha hamba,
go play ok?”
“Mmmmm kumnandi kakhulu Aunty…”
“It’s toooo nice!”

And so it goes. After an hour I’m exhausted from having 10 rambunctious
sweeties squirming underfoot, from the noise, the heat in the kitchen
(since it obviously has to be kept closed to keep the other kids out :) and
from keeping the peace. I’ve guided little hands, laughed a lot, reshaped
cookies, chatted, cleaned, gave directions, and hopefully encouraged little
hearts. And generally speaking, we have a blast. I’ve always loved baking,
and now being able to bake with kids, for some of them this being a brand
new experience, it adds a whole new excitement. The cookies may come
out lopsided, the icing not quite right, the cake a little overdone, but the
results and smiles are worth a million bucks every time.

The other day a thought occurred to me. When I bake, I let the kids help
me, but why? To make my life easier?? Umm… no. It would be more
efficient, less stressful, and less messy if I just went and made the cookies
on my own. But those little hands are so eager to learn, to experience, and
feel useful and valued that I delight in giving them opportunities and also
just letting them know that they are loved.
Now if we who are earthly desire to do good things with our children, how
much more isn’t it that way with our heavenly Father?

God has the power to give life. He created from nothing. He’s the king of
the universe! Wouldn’t He be so much better off if He just spoke world
peace into being, spoke rebuilding into areas of disaster, or spoke instant
healing into every wounded heart? Perhaps- if He wanted robots. If He
didn’t love us. If He wasn’t willing to sacrifice His convenience to allow us
to ‘help’ Him. He uses our little hands even tho we often cause more
damage than already exists. He longs to guide us, to lead by example, and
give constant direction and affirmation- if we’re willing to listen. He does
all this because He loves us.

So I’ve realized God doesn’t
need me to serve Him. He’d be better off
doing things Himself than using me in my weakness. But He loves me so
enormously that He desires for me to come near Him, to learn from Him,
and find my value in Him. And so I shall.

Here I am Lord. Take my little hands.

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